What is a Magickal prayer According to Papus the Magickal prayer is the most pure and divine version of Magick ceremony, as such it shouldn't be done regularly but only during special occassions so it doesn't become a mindless and boring habit, but always stems from the heart. How to perform the Magickal prayer First of all, I am going to present my modified version here, if any of you want to learn the original, you should study Papus' amazing work. First of all, the prayer is a ritual, check for the basic format of rituals as described in previous section regarding preparation and finishing of the ritual (centering, grounding, casting the circle, etc), as for the content of the ritual, you stand facing a direction of East, or North, or black mirror, or a chair and you pray to the force you believe in (God, deities, spirits, Chaos, life current, whatever...). I understand this might look too simple, but it really isn't. Your words should come directly from your he...