So, regarding my practice, I am still going for the Is-Man poses combo, I usually get a very strong feeling of energy being pumped to my body during Is pose, but I cannot really describe the feeling I have from the Man pose :D, tomorrow I might try the chalice ritual. Direction of runes in the protection circle doesn't really matter, so you can go either way, clockwise or counterclockwise. Type of the runes is truly Armanen. If you wondered where you are supposed to get the 'w', eg in tuwatuwa formula, 'w' and 'u' are same, so the runes for tuwatuwa go as following: "Tyr Ur Ur Ar Tyr Ur Ur Ar" P.S. tuwatuwa is the formula for protection against black Magick I have already tried few rune gestures, energy signature for each gesture is truly different Sig - Tyr formula is truly consisted of only these two runes, Sig and Tyr Ara - hari formula gave me some problems to figure out. First of all, there is capital A on the beginning. Capital lette...