After I got asked a couple of times what Chaos Magick is, I decided to write an article about it. People usually don't have any problem with general definition, they just want to know what it really means and how it compares to the traditional systems. Theory of tradition The main question is the history of traditional systems, who founded them? There are many myths of fallen angels teaching Magick or great adepts (e.g. Hermes Trismegistos) sharing their wisdom with a group of initiates. Before we can get any further, we have to take these only as myths, with no credible evidence, later we will find out why. Historically speaking there are certain similarities in the Magick development all around the world. It starts with death. People were always fascinated by death. Where do our friends and relatives go after they die? Can they tell us? Can we contact them? Do they have any power in the other world? Burials are as old as humanity, it's our way of tributing our family which...