Religion and cosmology

Religion is very old, and it is probably as old as humanity itself. We tend to fear the unknown, that's why we have to know things, but I we have to name what we fear. There are natural processes in this world, thin like weather, earthquakes, death, processes we couldn't explain at the time, that's why we built mythos around them, some of these exist even today.

Story of Abraham
I think we all know about the Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Pretty old faith, yet still living and breathing. The story of one God, and creating everything including two humans who populated Earth with people of different races and skin colours (and don't make me speak about Noah).

Then prophets came and caused problems the biggest bloodshed in human history. Murdering in the name of one God. Converting leftovers so a new batch of holy warriors can be created, that's how far the fear from the dark can go.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't think that religion is the culprit here, we, as humans, are violent. There are people fighting because of a football match for God's sake. The thing is there will be wars always, for territory, politics, economy... But the fact is that wars over whose imaginary friends are better come at the top ten of silliest reasons.

Conception of deities
Very old question in the occult circles, where do deities come from? We already do know about our power to create egregores, but could all the deities be like that? The creation of the mankind? I have spent quite some time summoning various spirits to the point of it becoming boring, the initial sense of dread quickly disappears and communication becomes casual over time, and maybe with just one exception, Death.

Death is truly something dreadful, a natural process we know a very little about, but we don't know what death is and what comes after, and that's why religions are still alive and kicking, and the afterlife. Anyway, let me continue, Death is the only one where the sense of dread remains, so, could its beings be the original ones?

Frankly, I don't think so, they are just more powerful egregores, and for a quite simple reason, but I really, really. The fear of death and the mourning over dead friends and relatives is not only the human characteristics, it is shared among the species. A dog won't care about Zeus because it doesn't know about Zeus, but it knows Death.

I think most occultists know about this, but I there are 7 planets representing 7 forces in the universe that affect our lives. Did you just notice how silly this looks? OK, it is scientifically proven that people are different when born during different seasons, but that's the thing of our environment, not about which one signs are planets in.

Just to point out, astrology was important as it was the basis of astronomy, but we all know today that the geocentric model of the universe is false and therefore obsolete. This system is also the reason why our week has 7 days, despite the fact that 5 would make more sense considering that 1 year contains 365,25 days (that's why there's a leap year every 4 years).

The tables used for astrology are not accurate anymore, either, considering that Sunday should enter Aries on 21st of March (mark of spring) yet it is still in Pisces at the time.

The end
We are already old enough as a species to let the old faery tales go. After all, isn't it funnier to evoke a predator than some ancient blood cult creation. It's going to work either way. Anyway, whatever you do, and don't let your beliefs to limit your progress and do your best to understand modern science, medicine and technology.


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