People still tend to argue with me about energies. Generally they say there are physical and non-physical energies, they can feel them differently, use them differently... I don't consider that to be bad, I myself believed that too some years ago, I felt thesew different energies, I could even invoke that fancy magickal energy to gain more of it, but from the occult perspective it was like stamp collection, it has no real influence in this world. Since then I have learned how to recognize and work with real energy, also how to gain this energy, how to make my body to generate more of it. I usually try to argue with people that you can hardly have separate energies as this would make it possible to do one's will during massive headaches or exhausted after many days without sleep. The problem is that exhaustion is like a love, you can experience something fifty times and believe it's a love, but only when you expereience a real love, you can distinguish it between the rest...