Initiation Into Divine Light Manipulation

Initiation Into Divine Light Manipulation

What is Divine Light

Divine Light, also called simply Light or Akasha is primal Element (prima materia) which all remaining Elements origin from. Divine Light is positive energy as opposed to negative dark energy called Death Essence by Necromancers.
Light and Dark energy are mutually exclusive. To be more exact, Divine Light is where is no Dark energy and Dark energy is where Light is missing.
Dark energy can be banished either by extraction or by manipulation with Divine Light, I will teach you both.

Basic rituals based on Divine Light

Most well known ritual based on Divine Light is Qabbalistic Cross Of Light. It's very good ritual for Aura purification and also for building Spiritual Authority. Qabbalistic Cross of Light was used a lot in Golden Dawn together with Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual (LBPR), Greater Banishing Pentagram Ritual and Hexagram Rituals. I recommend learning both Qabbalistic Cross of Light and Lesser Banishing Pentagram Ritual.
LBPR is based on banishing 4 Elements using pentagrams drawn into air. These pentagrams are then charged with Akasha while vibrating Divine names.
Another great ritual is Middle Pillar Rite.

Divine Light Body

  1. This is the most basic technique used as beginning for Divine Light Manipulation
  2. Relax yourself and také three deep breaths to get ready.
  3. Imagine your body as empty shell ready to get filled with energy
  4. Imagine Divine Light as pure white energy being everywhere around you.
  5. With each breat in, draw a part of Divine Light into your body using either pores on your skin or just by imagination (Pore breathing technique is very useful for this). Before drawing the energy into yourself you can also cultivate it by imagining some quality of the Light you want to suck into yourself (clairvoyance, protection, banishing, etc)
  6. Repeat step 4 till your body is totally full of Divine Light

Clairvoyance Technique

  1. Use Divine Light Body technique while imagining Divine Light with quality of Clairvoyance
  2. When your body is full, start drawing all of the energy directly into your eyeballs lending them the power of Clairvoyance.
  3. You can also use a confirmation formula: „I eyes are filled with power to see unseen“ or something like that
  4. When you are finished with the exercise, let Divine Light out of your body either directly from eyes or draw it back to your body and then let it go out with pores or imagination

This technique is well described in Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon toghether with Fire Water used for enhancing your sight and this very technique (Step VII).

Divine Light Barrier

This barrier is good for protection against Dark negative energy.
  1. Use Divine Light Body with qualities of protection and banishing.
  2. Draw Light from your body to either Heart or Solar Plexus or Root chakra
With each breath-in focus more on the energy and intention to protect and banish. With each breath-out let the Light grow into sphere.
  1. Repeat steps 2 and 3 till sphere is enough large to shield your whole body.
Very good imagination technique also is to imagine Dark energy everywhere around you forcing it away with each grow of the barrier.

Difference between Divine Light Barrier and Aura Barrier

I don't like to compare these as Divine Light itself is quite complex topic, but let's say that Aura Barrier uses only your own energy as Divine Light Barrier uses positive energy all around you  (and also within you)

Dark Energy Extraction

This technique is especially good for healing purposes. Most of diseases are attached to some part of body which makes it easier to locate it.
  1. Imagine that body part as full of Dark energy (if you are not sure about the location, imagine whole body of patient full of this negative energy).
  2. Put your hands in front of your body, palms facing each other. Hands should be about 30 cm apart (about one feet).
  3. Imagine Dark energy flowing from body of patient directly between your palms forming a sphere there.
  4. When you are done with extraction, use Divine Light Body with quality of banishing.
  5. Channel Light from your body to your hands.
  6. Clap strongly imagining scattering Dark Energy (very good in this case is also to imagine sound of breaking glass.

Dark Energy Extraction, version 2

I have recently had an accident with axe resulting with 4 stitches on my index finger and inability to clap for a week. That meant I had to developer another version of Dark Energy Extraction where you use just one hand.
Method is about to same except you hold your hand like you were going to create a Psi ball and you draw Dark Energy there.
Contraction of Dark Energy is limited so it can overgrow a bit, don't let it get under your Aura, always have some distance.
When you are done, point your palm facing down and send Dark Energy to Earth (grounding of energy).

Personal experience with Dark Energy Extraction

I haven't chosen white and black intentionally or because some convention, it's how I see it. Divine Light as very bright glow and Dark Energy as a black or rather very very dark grey smoke.
First time I had seen this was quite scary as I had seen Dark Energy getting through my hand!. It would be also good to say that Dark Energy is not forming perfect sphere in your hand(s), but rather a fluffy sphere-like shape (maybe similar to cloud).
During sending negative energy to Earth the energy doesn't move as sphere (at least not in my case), but rather slowly expand moving downward in a shape of pillar. It really looks like a pillar of smoke.
You can also use water for grounding negative energy (very similar Water Magick technique was described by Franz Bardon in Initiation Into Hermetics.
Don't forget to perform Qabbalistic Cross of Light and LBPR after any work with Dark energy.

Divine Light Healing

This is different style of healing, you are not working with Dark Energy directly, but rather banishing it with Divine Light.
I don't have good experience with this as Dark energy always seemed to simply avoid Divine Light by moving to different parts of body. It's funny feeling for patient when their pain moves.
  1. Divine Light Body with quality of healing and/or reducing pain, etc
  2. Put your hands on patient and channel energy to your palms
  3. Channel Divine Light out of your hands into affected area of patient forming it into big orb touching your palms and sending away Dark Energy
Don't forget for purification rituals after this kind of healing else you are asking for a great deal of side-effects.
Another way is to suck Dark energy into your hands while channeling it through your body to Earth, but I don't recommend this practice.


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