
Showing posts from October, 2013


I somehow forgot to check the date in past few months... My priesthood month starts tomorrow, so no swearing, cursing, dirty thoughts, etc. So, if anyone wanted a blessing or a prayer during November, feel free to contact me (this service is completely free, it's a part of the public service)

2nd Grade, Week 4: Power of suggestion

Suggestion is a process of forcing some idea to other people. This process can be conscious or unconscious, it can also be verbal or non-verbal. Forced idea can be an action that should be executed but it's not always the case. You can use suggestion to force an ideology, as well. Simplest suggestion is a direct command: "Buy this product", but such suggestion is very obvious, that's way a salesman usually composes this command into a couple of consecutive sequences. Eg "Let me tell you why to BUY THIS PRODUCT. Don't BUY THIS PRODUCT if you are not going to use it ever again. Listen to the stories of happy customers that chose to BUY THIS PRODUCT" Another way is a suggestion by position. Whatever the structure of your society or your book reading club is, people on top usually have more power over you than you'd think, if we imagine this sentence: "I will join you for diner tonight", said be a complete stranger, then a friend and then you...

2nd Grade, Week 3: Recognizing leading and lacking elements in self and others

Why should I know this If you choose elements to be your main occult correspondence, you will perceive charecteristics and health as being consisted of elements. If that's the case, you want to keep the elements balanced in your body. How to accumulate elements was something we have learned in the first grade and an improved version the first week of this grade. Now, as I said before, it is dangerous if elements are not accumulated in the same amount. Such imbalance can lead to a sickness or a major change in characteristics of your psyche. Recognizing leading and lacking elements Most of this you have already learned in the previous exercise of this week, through the character recognition. But not everytime we know the subject or we are willing to be truthful in our introspections (truth hurts), for that there is a simple exercise that will give you some general summary of how elementally balanced you are. 1. Invoke the feeling of heat to your whole body. 2. Invoke the feeli...


Once again I have too many projects on my hands :-D. I am writing the second grade of the curriculum, I also work on the occult novel, new books in my library appear about every other week and I am also working on the new introduction animation for my video channel. After the second grade is finished, corrected and published I need to take some time off to recharge my batteries. To read some Terry Pratchett and chill out. Psychology study will also have to be put aside for a moment, my sleep deprivation makes the learning really hard :-D. So here's the plan. Once I finish the second part of the curriculum and also the work on my staff (I will post images, when done), I will create the introduction animation and post some new videos (some maybe even occult related), then I will have some spare time for the Discworld and also sleep :-D.

2nd Grade, Week 3: Categorizing people by elements

Elements contained within body and their portions are not some abstract thing. Astral and physical are heavily interconnected, we could even say merged together, therefore our internal elemental balance affects our external appearance and behaviour, as well. Basic correspondences and implications Fire: willpower Air: mental plane, anything related to intellect, thoughts, memories, etc Water: Emotions Earth: Material stuff, whether we are talking about wealth or bold body structure, this all is contained within the Earth element. Before we also said that the Earth element is heavy, Air element is light, which means we can reverse the rule here, people with more Air in their bodies and lacking Earth element (imbalance) will have light and weak bodies. What is this good for? Elemental balance affects both physical and mental states, knowledge of the balance state can help us understanding our subject or even influencing him. But for our characterization to be accurate, we have...

2nd Grade, 3rd Week: Basics of character recognition

We like to know our environment, the mysteries scare us. It's the old fear, same fear that caused we avoided a dark. Fear that we cannot control what we don't know. On the other side, there was a rumour in the ancient Egypt that if you knew the real name of some deity, you could control it, you can even command it to make you immortal. This is an abstract way of saying: "Knowledge is power". Most basic schema Introverted person is someone "locked" in his own world, usually shy, having problems with making a contact with unknown people, day-dreaming most of the time. Extraverted person is someone always willing to chat, sometimes maybe a bit of an exhibitionist. Did it say anything to you? Well.. Introverted person is more locked, which means it is more resistent to the suggestion, extraverted person is more open and suggestible types are more available amongs the extraverted types. This is also the founding stone of hypnotic show, you need an extrave...

2nd Grade, Week 3: Basics of psychotherapy

What to expect in this course This is going to be a super-short version of psycho-therapy course so I will skip the usual boring stuff about different methodologies, whether we are talking about CBT, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic, etc, such stuff is truly boring. All you have to know is that we are going to study the integrative methodology, which became quite favorite recently. The reason is that these different methodologies are better for some stuff and worse for other stuff. Integrative methodology combines the best of the aforementioned based on different situations. Eg you want to apply cognitive behavioural therapy methods on neurotic problems, experiential psychotherapy on depressions and self-searching, etc. The reason why you should be interested in therapy at all is hidden within the arcanum of Magick. Magick is not a hobby, Magick is the lifestyle. If you mean it seriously with Magick, it's not okay being Magicians on Friday night during conducting some static ritual...

2nd Grade, Week 2: Mind reading

Disclaimer First of all, this is not about how to hear thoughts of other people, mind reading in Magick is based on observation and intuition and it is mainly about something we all had but must of us suppressed it during childhood. There is this problem with growing up, we have to adapt to our society's standard. We have to stay quiet about certain things we perceive because it's rude to mention them. Because of that we suppress certain feelings, we do not want to be rude, right? That's how we lose our mind reading ability instead of practicing it. What ability do I mean? Let's say you are speaking with your boss and suddenly you get a suspicion, your boss' behavior seems strange, simply different, maybe some other colleague or employee complained on you, after all a good scapegoat is nearly as welcome as a solution to the problem. But you omit this and casually continue in the conversation, but odds are that even if you asked about this your boss would reject i...

2nd Grade, Week 2: Telepathy suggestion explained in detail

In the first grade we have learned about a technique called telepathy suggestion. This training was about focusing on someone and making him turn back at you (or you could also try something else). Now let's talk how it works. Vital force, also called a neural energy or also a magnetic fluid, is the energy "created" by your very own body by processing energy from food, from sleep and from the oxygen. Your Vital force is naturally emitted from the tip of your fingers, from your mouth, especially your tongue, and also from your eyes, ears and nose. By focusing on a certain person with a certain intent you have directed the emission from your eyes and "programmed" it with a certain action. This is how your suggestion travelled across the air to the subject of your suggestion without saying a word. But why did it work? Your energy joined the subject's energy and transmitted the message. This would normally be stopped by the psychic censor, the mechanism sup...

Mike Chang talking about willpower in the beginning of the video

Mike Chang speaks about the willpower in the beginning of this video. I think that his points are pretty good and accurate, this video is a must to watch for all serious occultists.

2nd Grade, Week 2: VFM for healing others

Healing others is pretty similar to the self-healing, same rules and law apply. To heal another person you have to learn how to send the VF out of your body and how to control it outside your body. Get a long piece of stick (can also be a broom) and hold it in your hand in the middle. Accumulate the Vital Force in your body as we learned before. All this accumulated energy move to your hand that is holding the stick. As you are doing this try to feel the energy that is out of your body, feel the energy and with that also feel the shape, the surface and the content of the stick. Move the energy from one tip of the stick to the other a couple of times, then expand it across the whole stick. Keep it this way for a couple of minutes. Then shrink it back and move it back into your body (do not waste). After you are good with a stick, you can try it onto other person.

2nd Grade, Week 1: Vital Force manipulation for the means of self-healing

So, we have hopefully learned how to feel Vital Force, where do we get it and how to accumulate it by releasing our reserves. Now let's talk about a simplest use of Vital Force, self-healing. This isn't really a healing, it just makes some part of our organism to work a little bit faster (eg in case of wounds or flus) or at least to relieve some pain (eg headaches, etc). By no means it is a replacement for doctor appointment in serious cases, remember that. Use the process of energy accumulation described in the previous exercise. When the energy is accumulated, focus all of it into the troublesome area (a wound, a head for headache , nose or throat for flu, etc), with this focus all of the released should go to the designated place. This might take a couple of tries for the first time, but you will eventually get the hang on this. When the energy was clearly moved to the designated place (always choose just one place per session), keep focusing on the place for about anothe...

2nd Grade, Week 1: Accumulation of the Vital Force

Let's say something more about Vital Force. It's the energy inherent to you, you cannot accumulate it from outside, only way is accumulating it from the inside. To understand how to do that we firstly have to understand how Vital force gets into our body. Where can I get the Vital force? First of all, Jews and some other nations that the Soul is stored in blood, that would be for a longer discussion but we certainly know that the Vital force truly is in the blood. So to affect our energy we have to learn how our blood can be affected. To affect our blood (and Vital force) indirectly we have to drink and eat, a balanced meal on regular level does great things to your energy level. Semi-direct ways of influencing our energy level are sleep and Sun, sleep helps to restore our body and our mind, sunrays maintains our body and our emotional stability. Direct way of affecting one's blood is a breathing. The breathing should be slow and deep, but still natural, with slight pa...

2nd Grade, Week 1: Perception of the Vital Force

What is the Vital force? Vital force is the energy you have in your body, it's the energy that allows you to control your body, without this energy you feel tired. That's enough explanation for now I think. Let's just say that this energy allows you much more than just moving the vehicle called your body as you are about to learn in this curriculum. How can I control the Vital force? First of all you have to learn how to perceive the energy, which is quite hard because it is with you the whole time, it's hard to start perceiving something when you have it the whole time. Consider your health, most people do not care about their health as long as they are healthy. They usually miss health only when they are sick, that's the only time they appreciate their health. How to perceive the Vital force First of all make yourself comfortable and relax, use eg the Simple relaxation exercise as found in the previous grade. Once you are relaxed, direct all your attention ...

2nd Grade, Week 1: Elemental Energy Accumulation

In the first grade we have learned how to perceive elements, now I am going to show you how to actually accumulate them in your body without causing major imbalances resulting in stress, depression or sickness. Originally you were supposed to gather each element and then to let all of it go, that was supposed to teach you how to feel elements and how to maintain your original balance. Now we are about to learn how to keep elements in the body while keeping the elemental balance, therefore strenghtening your energetic body. Be relaxed First of all we should relax our body and our mind, there were already some relaxation and calming exercises in the first grade, so you can use those. Imagine your body is hollow Similar to the mastery of elements body, before we can gather elements we have to make some "space" for them. Just imagine AND feel your body being hollow. One by one Now we should start accumulating elements. The process is that you visualize and feel the qualiti...

Second grade: selected topics

Some topics I certainly want to publish in the second grade: Week 1 -Elemental energy accumulation -Perception of the Vital force (VF) -VF accumulation -VF manipulation (VFM) for the means of self-healing Week 2 -VFM for healing others -VFM, telepathy suggestion explained in detail -VFM, mind reading Week 3 -Basics of psychotherapy -Basics of character recognition -Categorizing people by elements -Recognizing leading and lacking elements in self and others Week 4 -Power of suggestion -Power of image and deception -Power of subtle influences Week 5 -Enchantment with elements -Enchantment with VFM -Servitor creation using elements -Servitor creation using VFM Week 6 -Basic techniques of hypnosis induction -How to recognize and work with lethargy -How to induce, recognize and work with catalepsy -How to induce, recognize and work with Somnambulism -How to release your subject from trance without problems So, feel free to let me know what do you think about th...